Now the good part, I got on to the bike, (slippers and garage clothes) to take her for a spin around the block. No speed run or anything but the instant feedback was this.
She seems insane and no I'm not kidding.

The throttle response has increased and more importantly it's very accurate and crisp.
She's hitting the powerband really smoothly now (Was running lean in the band earlier)
And she sounds glorious.
Got yelled at by the neighbours becuase it was 11pm.
And the best part is I'm not running the chambers yet

Ron I'm running it in centre clip on the needle with the jet you gave me and stock pipes. Will do a couple of plug chops as I get the time and figure out if the jetting and positiopn is right. Holding on to the chambers for now coz I don't want too many varibles to come into the picture. We should get the bike setup properly first. right?
Thanks again.
PS: got the seat and a bikini fairing fixed today.
Can't have carbon fibre body work? Better still, get 'em reeds.