Flavor Chemicals in E-Cig.

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Flavor Chemicals in E-Cig.

Post by chinoy »

The other day somebody gave me a taste of something from an Indian Vendor. I could get jasmine taste.
And at least a few other tastes.

Since taste is so subjective. What they are doing is including as many flavors as possible. Most of these flavors come from chemicals. I could list them and their names are scary. None of these have been certified as safe for inhalation.

My philosophy on this is lets keep it healthy. SOmebody tells me I can make my fruit flavors pop by adding Malic Acid ?.
Well I would rather they not pop but be safe.

Where ever possible we try to use Natural flavors. Or at the very least Nature Identical.
Obviously this only pertains to the flavors we can make in India.

Keeping healthy at any cost is the bottom line.