My Kanger collection.

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My Kanger collection.

Post by chinoy »

This post is more to keep track of what I have. What I have ordered and what I still need to get.

Every guy who vapes will land up building a collection. You then share that collection with others. Its a bit like stamp collecting.
Why more than 1 tank ?.

If your going to do multiple flavors your going to need more than one tank. Enough justification lol.

First I thought I would do only Mini Tanks. But then the VTR and Segeli demand larger tanks. So there went that plan.

Anyway stuff that I have purchased. Pics will be added soon.

KangerTech Mini Tanks.
1. Kanger Tech Pro Tank II Mini. (USA)
mini2.JPG (23.74 KiB) Viewed 1568 times
2. Kanger Tech Pro Tank III Mini Double Coil. (China)
t3.jpg (64.32 KiB) Viewed 1568 times
3. Kanger Tech T3D (USA).
t3d.jpg (106.51 KiB) Viewed 1568 times
4. Kanger Tech T2
(Crappy cheap copy clone purchased in India for a bomb from e-cig).

Need to get.
1. Kanger Tech Mini Mega
All the other small ones here. ... learomizer

Large Tanks I have purchased:

1. Kanger Tech Pro Tank Aero. With adjustable air flow ring (USA)
kanger-aero.jpg (121.31 KiB) Viewed 1568 times
2. Kanger Tech Pro Tank 3 Dual Coil (USA)
kanger-big3.jpg (101.84 KiB) Viewed 1568 times
Larger Tanks which I need to get.
1. Kanger Tech Mega
2. Kanger Tech Pro Tank 2
3. Kanger Tech Pro Tank 1

This is their web site. ... learomizer

Once I have all their tanks then Ill start collecting the Rebuild able tanks. Like the Itaka and the Magoo . And the Russian, and the genesis.
But I need to grab the Kanger cause I see that as the new model's come out the old ones are vanishing from the market.
First the old ones price drops then it just vanishes.