Today this is a forum review, to let you guys know that I am able to do few things myself now, thanks to the wonderful people here.
Browsed through the forums, started from scratch, didn't know what tools to buy or even where to buy them from. Got in touch with forum members in Pune. Started buying tools. Got the RDD CDI, Honda Activa plug cap, RDD 90/100 kit, RXG wiring harness, RX135 switch set.
Slingshot (Abhishek) had invited me to his place and gave few wrenching lessons. Thanks to him for spending time on my bike.
This review is coming from a person who didn't know how to remove the seat from the bike

How to do that, was my first wrenching lesson from Rishikesh Kale, thanks to him.
I and Rishi went to Slingshot's place with the CDI, who meticulously tested and labelled all the wiring connections. We couldn't complete the install then, as I would need the RXG harness to do so.
Later I decided to open the bike myself. Took print-outs of Workshop Manuals of RX100 and RXG. Sat with the wiring diagrams and RXG wiring harness.
Labelled the connections on the harness that I could figure out. Also met with Rash (Rahul) who gave me few tips, and suggested to get the RXG/RX135 switch set. Also ordered the RDD 90/100 kit from Shuvo.
An accident set me back by few months. Finally decided to try out the install this week. Struggled with each basic step like removing the flywheel nut and flywheel. Installed the RDD coil plate in fully anti-clockwise position. Disconnected all the connections on stock wiring harness. Removed the stock RR unit. Then connected the main switch, RDD coil plate, RDD RR unit, RDD CDI, battery. CDI connections as per install documents.
Bike hadn't run for a long time as I am using my ZMR for daily commute. My RX100 is my learning and testing bike. Choke on, few kicks bike started, sounded different, brings a smile on my face!

Then bike starts to kick back. Meaning need to adjust the timing. But looks like the RDD flywheel will not come off with the RX100 flywheel puller. Will have to figure out that.
Haven't ridden the bike yet, will have to complete the install and all screws, nuts, bolts. Need to figure out where to place the CDI and RR unit, as these are bigger/different than the stock units. Will have to fine tune the timing as well.
Still I am very satisfied today with what I could manage on my own. Thanks to Ron baba and RDD.