Mech Mods

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RDD Junkie
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Mech Mods

Post by chinoy »

Today a customer came over with a Mech Mod which kind of opened my eyes.
We all think a mech mod is a mech mod and it will work.

This thing was sad. Its supposed to be some famous mod with a magnet switch but the thing was more miss than hit.

Just think 10 times before you buy a mech mod. Not all are created equal.
I will ask the guy for the name and post it.
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Re: Mech Mods

Post by chinoy »

So the crappy mod was a 4nine mod Simz got.
From what he told me it was a known fact that with this mod its a hit and a miss.
On top of that the Bat I gave him did not fit.
Yes 18650 bats come in various sizes.

This got me thinking about what things can go wrong when you buy a mech mod.
And came up with this list.

1. Voltage Drop. Hit and miss means sometimes there is no voltage drop some times there is.
2. Lack of an adjustable center pin.
3. Design lacks support to adjust to various battires i.e. Nemisis mod can work with 18350, 18500 and 18650 bat. Even in 18650 line it can work with any variation as they have provided support in the design.

The magnet switch is nice but whats the point if the bat does not fit and you have a bad voltage drop. And you cant use half your tanks on it.

Maybe Simz will write about some of the issues he is having with his new mod.
This is why its better to buy a known tested and working mech mod and not go on the basis of what you read online.
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Re: Mech Mods

Post by simz »

So the mod is a SS 4nine clone from fasttech (

The 4nine uses a hybrid connector. I had no clue what it meant so I hope now that I've understood this simple breakdown will help someone in the future. Basically, the atty makes a direct connection to the top of the battery versus a 510 threaded connector that essentially is a bridge between the atty and the battery.

Pros of the hybrid-
No losses, so less voltage drop
Lowers height of mod compared to 510 mech mods

No adjustability so battery might work, might not
Atty needs to have an adjustable centre pin to make a connection

On my particular mod, only my magma RDA works cause it has an adjustable pin. First few hits were super and I was over the moon. But my battery was draining super fast. Realised later, the coil I had wound actually metered 3ohms which is basically unusable on a mech mod. Don't know how that happened but anyway a proper 1.8 ohm coil worked superbly thereafter.

Problem 2- I exchanged the Samsung I bought off eBay for one of Ron's batteries and, whoops, there goes the connection. The new battery was maybe a hair shorter but that was enough to not make connection.

End story, the 4nine only works with certain batteries but if you've got a couple lying around it won't be a problem.
For me the draw was simple, it is absolutely tiny and I haven't even tried 18350 mode yet. And the button has no locking ring that can get stuck and give you migraines.
All in all as an experiment into mechs, I like it. Though I might sell it cause I've learnt I like regulated box mods better.
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Re: Mech Mods

Post by chinoy »

All the mods sold so far by Bapa Vapes are tested to work with any Bat.
I should really up the prices. People are getting a tried and tested product instead of taking a risk.

Keep this in mind when buying your mods.
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