The key to letting your flavor shine all boils down to one and one thing only.
(Other than the obvious points like quality of flavor. SKill with which its mixed, the recipe etc).
And that is what you use as your filler liquid.
Obviously you can vape just flavor. So you need a filler or an agent to carry that flavor.
Its a simple funda. The more neutral or tasteless your filler is the more your flavors shine.
The more taste your filler has the more it will distort and change the flavor your trying to add.
For ever so long in fact still today. Many many companies use PG only for this simple reason.
But here is the sad part. The more neutral your filler the more harmful it is. The better it is and the less harmful it is. The more the taste it has.
The customers are clueless. The manufacturers want to keep the customers in the dark as far as possible.
Going from most harmfull.
1. PG (Its evil. You want throat hit ?. Put some on your hand / skin and see how it burns. Thats your throat hit as it goes down into your body.)
2. VG but not natural VG. This is synthetic VG. This has a very mild taste off petroleum jelly. Other than this its taste is very mild.
3. Natural VG. This is the healthiest. And least harmful of all VGs. And is made from the palm tree. But it has one huge disadvantage it have a very strong sweet taste. So the flavors do not shine thru. You have to strugle to make the flavors work.
You have to do a lot of circus to make the flavors mature.
I had to make a call do I focus on taste or health.
Taste could make us even more famous even faster. But we opted to go with health.
Health is more important to me.
We may start to offer pure PG flavors and flavors with synthetic VG. But till that happens my priority will always be health before taste.
So while somebody may beat us in the taste dept. When it comes to your body telling you what is better. Our Juices will win.
This is what I believe.