Zro Nic Flavor Blog.

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Zro Nic Flavor Blog.

Post by chinoy »

So today the bulk order of American flavors landed up. This means Im set for the next 3 months at least.
Ive mixed it up in Bulk and put todays date on it. The goal is not to use anything that has not steeped for at least a week.

Getting flavors to transfer into VG is a pain the arse. You need to heat it every day. You need to put it in the ultrasonic machine everyday. And you need to nuke it for a few seconds then shake. I dont think the american flavors should be used unless you steep them for at least a month. Lucky for me I have stock for all these flavors made over a month ago.
The only flavor I dont have is a new Cigar Flavor. Had a lot of requests for Cuban Cigar flavor so got some. I dont like it but then again I know guys who crazy over cigar flavors.

In the end we need our own line of Tobacco flavors made in India. So Im working on that 3 flavors where made. Malbro Ind. Burley Tobacco and Virginia Tobacco. Within Malbro there are 3 sub types Im working.
Ive mixed 100 MLL of each and will keep testing it every day to see how it changes with time.
These will also probably go out as free samples to get feed back form others.

My all day vape is back to melon madness. 4 types of WC flavor with 1 type of Musk Mellon. What we call watermelon.
As it is on the first day of the mix Honey doo has a very strong flavor. Even with NET it still states strong.
This one needs to steep for sure. I plan to seed steep. i.e. take some of the already steeped mix and add it to this new mix.