Your going to hear a lot of opinions on this subject. Ignore it all and just use your common sense.
I do not recommend this for kids. If you do not smoke please do not start smoking even vapes.
There is only one reason to use an e-cigie and its to help you stop smoking the original cigrites which we will now refer to analogues.
Most people do not understand the meaning of the words "Big Tabbaco" but truth be told Big Tabaco and Big Liquor followed by the field of Pharmacy is what controls the world.
They make the most money. And have the strongest lobbies in the Govt. And E Cigies are making big Tabaco shit in their pants.
So who came up with the idea.
The rumor is that it was made by a guy whose father was dying from cancer of the lung. And his father continued to smoke even though he was going to die. Somewhere in China.
What is really going on inside an e-cigie.
Water / Glycerin PG or VG. And any other flavors with or without nicotine is basically being turned into steam by a hot coil. The col is heated by a battery.
First off you need a system to help you stop smoking. I have tried chewing gum when on long flights and when in places we cant smoke. I never liked it.
Your options to stop are
1. Cold Turkey. (Relapse rate over 80%).
2. Nicotine Patch. (Relapse rate over 70%)
3. Nicotine chewing Gum. (Relapse rate over 60%).
4. E-Cigie relapse rate under 40%.
(The numbers are just to give you idea).
The key to a good system is making sure that you feel no need to smoke.
So what is this system.?
Its picking a nicotine strength based on how much your smoking. So a person on 3 or more packs a day will need 24 MG/ML or higher.
A person on under a pack a day may only need to start with 6%.
I believe its ok to over dose on Nicotine for the first few days. And then tapper off as you over come the cravings from the first few days.
When buying e juice. Remember you only get Tabbaco Flavors when buying in 24 MG in India. If you want fruit flavors then the most you will get is 16 Mg /Ml.
You can then slowly taper this down to zero.
So the process of stopping is going to require some planing. Without the proper planing your just going to relapse.
Before I get into Explaining all the terms like Atomizers, Cartomizers, Clearomizers, Ego Twist, Mods, etc. Lets prepare our list. Of things to have ready.
1. A battery and a charger. At the cheapest level you have stuff like the E Health Cigarette which has a 180 Mah Bat. At the high end you have Mods. But I would recomend you get at least a 650 Mah bat.
2. A Tank. There are tons of options. Out there. But for like 1700/- you can get a decent starter kit. As a first tank. I would recommend the Kanger T2. Its a top coil with 4 long wicks. And the holds 2.5ml.
3. A supply of at least 1 can off E Juice. Start with 24 Mg.
Once you have all your stuff ready. Pick a date. And from that day on stop smoking. And start vapping.
Do not listen to the fools who say e cig is dangerous. Or pointless. There is a HUGE difference between smoking and e-cig. E Cig removes 99% of the harm caused by smoking.
In fact it has big Tabaco very very worried. They know they have meet their match.
The main mistakes made by people starting to use the e-cig is that they do not get a good tank. They try the small e-cig sticks which look like cigirates and those are total crap.
Though I must admit I managed with just a cheap e-cig for many days before getting my Ego Twist. Variable Voltage 1000 mah stick and Kanger T2.
I got it from a local company called e cig india. The only problem with them is their prices are steep.
The good part they will send a sales guy to your house and he will let you sample various flavors and show you tons off stuff.
The bad part its a RIP OFF. I blew 4K on nothing more than a battery, a tank and one 10 Ml can of e-juice.
The only saving grace they supply you Hangsen E juice for Rs 390/- vs the 500-700 most shop guys charge.
Is e-cig cheaper than normal smoking ?.
It could be. but in my case it was not. So far I have blown 12K.
I have ordered pure Nicotine from the USA. 250 ML at 100 Mg/Ml to make my own e-juice and my own strength. I want to offer extra strong stuff to friends who are trying to stop. And the only way is to make your own e-juice. Various posts on how to do this will follow. The key is to only get your Nicotine from an American FDA approved setup.
Ive also purchased at least 4 rechargeable variable voltage sticks. And at least 10 tanks. Wicks and coils to rebuild tanks. And a shit load of e juice in 100 Ml cans at 24 MG/Ml
Introduction to E-Cig.
Re: Introduction to E-Cig.
e ceggie works well, smoking since 15 years, used to stop first half of the year for alomost 5 years. Till i restart on my bday on july. This time dec i moved to vaping and happy bunny since then. Women will love you more coz no more smell 
Your sense of smell improves tremendously along with hunger level. So chances of putting on weight. You will be able to smell tobacco just like you used to smell the weed. Can feel thirsty, flem from the system will get expelled. Your overall energy levels will improve. Tummy will feel lil loose.
This video will give you an idea about almost all the options you can have with vaping.
What you can expect once you move from smoking to vaping, explained in this video

Your sense of smell improves tremendously along with hunger level. So chances of putting on weight. You will be able to smell tobacco just like you used to smell the weed. Can feel thirsty, flem from the system will get expelled. Your overall energy levels will improve. Tummy will feel lil loose.

This video will give you an idea about almost all the options you can have with vaping.
What you can expect once you move from smoking to vaping, explained in this video
Re: Introduction to E-Cig.
Do we have e-booze...bloody analogue of which is fucking up my life 

Re: Introduction to E-Cig.
Yes motor we do but thats a topic for another day.
Let me explain my journey over the past few weaks.
When I left the hospital I had not smoke for like 4 days. My nicotine levels where at an all time low.
Then I got started on the E-Cig. Lucky for me the guy had 24MG and it was strong so I was smoking that.
Then I got a tank and some ejuice. I think the tank packed up. Or the juice was low on nicotine so whole day I was sucking on it. And craving for a smoke. Many times I cam close to smoking. The closest was to put some India kings into my IO Lite Vape and vape that.
I was feeling very depressed in deep depression. With zero motivation to do anything. My wife had me on total bed rest so I got buy.
I read up on this depression bit. And yes when you quit nicotine your dopmine levels crash. You are going to feel like shit. And this can last for 6 months or more. The way I look at it. Its probably for life.
Then I got some good nicotine. And my brain which had been feeling like Jello. Started to stifen up. Its like brain was in 5th gear unable to enter power band. And with Nicotine there is zero craving.
As the Nicotine hits. Its like your brain has jumped into first gear and you have a close ratio gear box.
Motivation is bang right there. And things start to get done.
Women will love you not for the smell. But because as soon as you stop smoking your erection hardness becomes 10 times stiffer.
Anyway. If I had to pick between going thru withdrawal symptoms of nicotine for 6 months / rest of my life. And being in focus and sharp as a knife. I pick the latter.
Problems I need to deal with.
a. I need to regulate my dosage of nicotine. I need to make sure I dont start over dosing on it.
b. I need to gap my smoking / dosages. So that I get the max benefit from it.
c. I need to make a plan to reduce my nicotine levels. By moving to lower and lower numbers till it becomes zero.
This nicotine rush is pure lab grade. And the best part your body does not feel low on energy cause your not smoking.
I consider my slef lucky to live in a time. Where I can enjoy the rush of nicotine in such pure lab grade. When for millions of years. Man has had to chew it. Or smoke it. To get some nicotine.
Who would have believed I could live to see this in my life time. Pure lab grade nicotine with out needing to smoke it.
Should guys who do not smoke take it for better focus and brain function. ?.
I think no.
Guys who do not smoke are already operating their brain at 100%.
Nicotine addicts need it to just feel normal.
To keep things in perspective nicotine and coffe are on the same scale in the world of drugs.
Except you dont suffer withdrawal symptoms with coffe or maybe you do Im not sure.
Let me explain my journey over the past few weaks.
When I left the hospital I had not smoke for like 4 days. My nicotine levels where at an all time low.
Then I got started on the E-Cig. Lucky for me the guy had 24MG and it was strong so I was smoking that.
Then I got a tank and some ejuice. I think the tank packed up. Or the juice was low on nicotine so whole day I was sucking on it. And craving for a smoke. Many times I cam close to smoking. The closest was to put some India kings into my IO Lite Vape and vape that.
I was feeling very depressed in deep depression. With zero motivation to do anything. My wife had me on total bed rest so I got buy.
I read up on this depression bit. And yes when you quit nicotine your dopmine levels crash. You are going to feel like shit. And this can last for 6 months or more. The way I look at it. Its probably for life.
Then I got some good nicotine. And my brain which had been feeling like Jello. Started to stifen up. Its like brain was in 5th gear unable to enter power band. And with Nicotine there is zero craving.
As the Nicotine hits. Its like your brain has jumped into first gear and you have a close ratio gear box.
Motivation is bang right there. And things start to get done.
Women will love you not for the smell. But because as soon as you stop smoking your erection hardness becomes 10 times stiffer.
Anyway. If I had to pick between going thru withdrawal symptoms of nicotine for 6 months / rest of my life. And being in focus and sharp as a knife. I pick the latter.
Problems I need to deal with.
a. I need to regulate my dosage of nicotine. I need to make sure I dont start over dosing on it.
b. I need to gap my smoking / dosages. So that I get the max benefit from it.
c. I need to make a plan to reduce my nicotine levels. By moving to lower and lower numbers till it becomes zero.
This nicotine rush is pure lab grade. And the best part your body does not feel low on energy cause your not smoking.
I consider my slef lucky to live in a time. Where I can enjoy the rush of nicotine in such pure lab grade. When for millions of years. Man has had to chew it. Or smoke it. To get some nicotine.
Who would have believed I could live to see this in my life time. Pure lab grade nicotine with out needing to smoke it.
Should guys who do not smoke take it for better focus and brain function. ?.
I think no.
Guys who do not smoke are already operating their brain at 100%.
Nicotine addicts need it to just feel normal.
To keep things in perspective nicotine and coffe are on the same scale in the world of drugs.
Except you dont suffer withdrawal symptoms with coffe or maybe you do Im not sure.
Re: Introduction to E-Cig.
sad thing is that guys smoking for years have zero idea abot why they are doing it.
or what the effects are.
At the very least you should read up on nicotine. And the harm caused by smoking.
or what the effects are.
At the very least you should read up on nicotine. And the harm caused by smoking.