I bought myself a 4 speed RXZ, the bike was not in too good a condition. Work started on it.
The amount I have troubled the big man regarding my build, only me and the big man know. To the point that I got a reply to one of my mails as “Your mails give me a headache”

The bike was completely converted to a 5 speed, including gearbox and barrel.
Following goodies

RDD Digital-2 CDI
Chinoy Filter Pod Foam Air Filter
Stage 2 RDD Street Port
Dual Frequency Ported RZ Fibre Reeds
Dialed in Squish Head
Modded Piston
Mikuni VM28(RD 350) Carburettor
After a LOT(by lot I mean 50+ GBs, just imagine!!!) of porn to the big man, some real technical insights into his PC problems and offerings of virgins(hope anu reads this). I got my barrel and head back.
Me and motorhead were tripping on it. Got the whole bottomend done, motorhead helped with the topend.
3rd kick she starts. Will cut the story short here. After pretty much sorting out most of the issues, these are the effects.
The Bike makes peak power around 9000 rpm, is INSANELY fast. Starts pulling around 5000rpm and by 7000rpm gets shit scary

Just to give an estimate of the power, it outpulls a properly launched Pulsar 180 for a drag by revving her just a little bit in 2nd and 3rd and not even entering the main powerband(4 jokes suck).
If you want to enter the power band in either 2nd or 3rd 100 meters is too less a distance to attempt it, without emergency braking manouevers

The Bike accelerates hard enough to crest in even the 3rd gear

I took the bike to 10k in 2nd and 3rd gear and it was a neat feeling, I figured out it should top out at about 7.5k max in the 5th gear.
Took the bike to palm beach road today with Rahul and we started flying I pull in 2nd, 3rd then 4th, Rahul’s ripping his RD and I am right behind him, I shift to 5th and after about 10 seconds I figure out that the RD aint pulling away, check the tacho and it reads 7.5k, I go flat on the tank and suddenly the bike starts pulling even more some more time and the tacho reads an unbelievable 10k in the top most gear.
We end the run and I was tripping like crazy.
While I was coming back to my place in Thane I again pulled on the Airoli bridge to 10k in top, man what a feeling it was, everything else looked at standstill.
The bike is insanely fast, pulls CLEAN from 2.5k to 10k in ANY gear. 1st is for power wheelies. 2nd and 3rd to scare the shit outta you, 4th and 5th to cruise.
I have stock 4 speed sprocketing with a 5 speed gearbox and it still have shitloads of low end.
I don’t know why Ron underestimates his own builds, he told me there would be no low end, there is enough of it to pull the bike and me and another 100kg fatass

Thanks go out to motorhead, for helping me with loads of shit with the bike, professor rash, for lots of gyaan on the RX, Alan for the abovementioned and other help too.
A big thanks to Ron and a hug too for all the effort put in the build.
Next project big bore or an LC conversion