After what seemed like eternity(running my RD on points), did the conversion yesterday. And the first thing I did after wiping off my 1000 watt smile was to kick myself firmly on my arse for not having done it sooner.
I had booked a kit from Ron sometime back and he even offered to do the install for me. Thanks for that Ron. But since I could not put the points back on(after trying to remove the whole assembly), I asked for Rash's help and installed it at home. Got Ron's CDI kit on Friday.installed with Rash doing the connections. Thanks Rash...wouldnt have dared to do it without someone competent around and you definitely knew what you were doing. :-)
First we removed the old wiring harness and installed the entire Chinoy Kit and it just took us around 2.5 hours for the job(wiring, CDI, etc). Found petrol leaking, opened up the right side carb and fixed the stuck float needle and after that the bike started on the first kick(after having been lkying idle for 4-5 months )

Fixed the puncture and rode to Ron's place where he timed the bike and found it to be perfect. :-) Thanks for the donation of the plugcap Mohith. :-)But there are some jetting issues to be solved as it is running on tiny stock jets and I need to connect the headlights and switches etc. It is now running on mesh filters with kinetic foam wrapping on it. But inspite of that the sound is to be heard to be believed. Its awesome and idling is smooth and when I whack the throttle open, its absolute nirvana. :-)
Thanks for the CDI Ron. If there is anyone out there who is still running on points and jugaad CDI kits, go for this man. There is nothing else like it. :-)