This is an awesome discovery i made couple of days back about how efficient the Digital CDI is. We all know that how it helps to make the bike rev out and make good power :) Well there's a good news for econo misers amongst us too! Since i have converted my bike back almost to stock except three ...
Good luck guys!! The day crank sugested the idea about the choke changing I told motor it wont work and showed him why. Okay the RX choke doesn't work. Wish it did coz it was much easier to use. But yeah the RD choke is working :D It was me who suggested to put the RD chokes and that day you said it ...
Wow you should see the spark strength!! no matter how strong your spark strength is you shouldnt be stuffin waste in your air filter :P :lol: I guess everybody had a good laugh that day!! The memory of me sticking waste inside the filter has vanished by the time i got out from Rose garden. And yeah ...
Ron ji, the bike's doing great! Thanks to you it has set a record in the hands of killa! I owe you Ron! I had made a mistake by going to another place to set the bike up. I shouldn't have done that. But then now i can compare your work with people who calls themselves a top notch performance shop ...