Realization on Cloned Tanks & Builds.
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:27 pm
It has dawned on me that 90% of the people using RDA's do not have a clue.
They don't know how to check for bugs.
They don't know how to build it right
They don't know how to wind the right coil or even wick it right.
They buy a cheap china clone with all its limitations and bad machining.
Yes even the 1:1 clones are not really 1:1.
They then just use it best they can and form an opinion about it.
The tanks that are selling well. Tend to be the tanks that work the best straight out of the box.
I was in the same boat for the past few months.
All along there was this nagging doubt at the back of me head. That there is something wrong with the tanks Im using.
Try as much as I could. I couldn't get it to chuck the kind of vapour and cloud some of the American Boys where throwing.
I knew that it was not the juice. So it had to be the tank or the build.
So opened up my Kafun tanks. Have the Lite and the 3.1 Es clones.
Just spent a few minutes looking at it and bang the answer hit me.
So I took out the porting tools. And moded the tank.
Man oh man I dont know what the real kayfun works like. But the difference in my own tank was night and day.
Ill post some pictures of the mods. Needless to say I think I did a pretty good job. The fact that Ive spent the last 15 years porting and cutting metal does help.
My reason for making this post. If your a vaper. And you get a chance to have your tank modified and built by somebody who knows what they are doing. Jump at the chance.
If you cant at least try and get a vape off a well setup tanks.
Its a lot like riding a good RD. Once you taste it you will want it.
Im so impressed with the change that Im thinking of importing a few Kayfun's modding them and offering them for sale.
My first customer was PRD. The price he has to do a before and after review on the mods.
They don't know how to check for bugs.
They don't know how to build it right
They don't know how to wind the right coil or even wick it right.
They buy a cheap china clone with all its limitations and bad machining.
Yes even the 1:1 clones are not really 1:1.
They then just use it best they can and form an opinion about it.
The tanks that are selling well. Tend to be the tanks that work the best straight out of the box.
I was in the same boat for the past few months.
All along there was this nagging doubt at the back of me head. That there is something wrong with the tanks Im using.
Try as much as I could. I couldn't get it to chuck the kind of vapour and cloud some of the American Boys where throwing.
I knew that it was not the juice. So it had to be the tank or the build.
So opened up my Kafun tanks. Have the Lite and the 3.1 Es clones.
Just spent a few minutes looking at it and bang the answer hit me.
So I took out the porting tools. And moded the tank.
Man oh man I dont know what the real kayfun works like. But the difference in my own tank was night and day.
Ill post some pictures of the mods. Needless to say I think I did a pretty good job. The fact that Ive spent the last 15 years porting and cutting metal does help.
My reason for making this post. If your a vaper. And you get a chance to have your tank modified and built by somebody who knows what they are doing. Jump at the chance.
If you cant at least try and get a vape off a well setup tanks.
Its a lot like riding a good RD. Once you taste it you will want it.
Im so impressed with the change that Im thinking of importing a few Kayfun's modding them and offering them for sale.
My first customer was PRD. The price he has to do a before and after review on the mods.