So one flavor I knew I wanted to work on was an Indian version of the famous RY4.
The way I look at RY4 is that its an original formulation that tobacco companies would add to tobacco. I dont think any guy in China came up with the flavor himself. Grand mothers and grand pa's would tend to agree with me.
So I knew RY4 must have been a formulation that was at some time added to tobacco.
So I went back in time to when man may have first started to flavor his tobacco.
And we find early references to Native Americans i.e. the red indians. Would flavor their tobacco with the peels of citrus items like rinds from lime,orange peel and vanilla.
This started me on a journey thru time about how man flavored his tobacco. And keeping that as the inspiration we came up with a flavor called the Indian RY4. Indian for made in India. And its a India first.
And Indian for the American Red Indians who where probably the first to use this formulation. Or at least where my inspiration.
To make it SPOT on for any palate we had to figure a way for the person to pick the tobacco note they want to boost as well as the strength. The flavor had to have a citrus touch to it. The trick was we pulled off this citrus twist to the flavor without the use of any citrus. In fact this little fact was quite a mind fluck for me. It will be for you too when you smoke it and I tell you it has no citrus component in it. Rather we have a mixture of some rather wacky flavors that when combined in the right ratio make it feel like citrus. Its very close to a cigarette sold in India called Citrus twist. .
We will henceforth call this flavor Indian RY4. It is a flavor that can be enjoyed as is. Or if you want to customize it. We will offer 4 tobacco flavors in 1ML which can be added to the RY4 to fine tune the tobacco note and flavor.
The 4 flavor adders will be Cigar or Something missing. M-Type, Andhra leaf and mysore leaf and orissa leaf.
This flavor added will be sold in 1 ML plastic vials with no nicotine if you emptied this vial into any flavor 10 ML tank all you will taste is tobacco leaf. Most time you only need a pin head of this stuff in a say a kayfun. Most people will be happy with the tobacco touch already there in the Indian RY4.
This Indian flavor was earlier called 1920s but Ive decided to change the name. If your a RY4 fan. You must try this.
We will continue to offer the American RY4s. Lets see which flavor does better. Over a period of time.
The extra 1 ML vials can be purchased with any flavor for Rs 100/- each. Its a 2 ML sample vial. And you will probably get more than 1 ML. But Technically Im calling it the 1 ML flavor concentrate shot.