Tobacco Supreme 1.

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Tobacco Supreme 1.

Post by chinoy »

So we are working with tons of flavor companies. And I have asked each one of them to submit their best Tobacco Flavor.
I will call our top tobacco flavors Supreme 1,2,3
So far we have found Supreme 1. I dont know if we will be able to afford these flavors going forward as some are really costly. Some can be upwards off 3-4 lakhs per Kg. So Its possible we may not make it a regular flavor. But I give feedback write a review and its put on the back burner.
This flavor formulation originally calls for 3 types of absolute and 6 other flavors. but we only had one absolute. But its still pretty decent. The presence of the absolute makes me doubt its future though.
But if your reading this. You can ask for bottle with your order or if you think you have some free samples coming your way you can ask for this. Will try and give at least a 2ML free sample so you can taste it.
This one is half way thru. And Im smoking it with zero steep. It is a bit of a coil gunker being dark. And it does taste best on a RBA. Once this is completed then work on the garam gudang will start. We have two major types as off now.

I will write a review on both. Obviously we cant call it garam gudang so we have to come up with a name Im thinking GG or Clove Cig.

There are so many issues in making a flavor. I fail to understand how people who don't vape make flavors.