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Customers Please mention your fav BV Flavor.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:58 am
by chinoy
Starting to think that rather than add to the existing line with flavors nobody will ever buy like Orange etc.

Let the customer mention what flavor is their fav. and what they would like to make sure that we do not run out off.
As things stand have only 100 ML of any given flavor. So the chances are high that your going to ask for a flavor and we are not going to have it. Ready or fully steeped.

About the only flavor we will never run out off are the flavors I smoke. That I make sure I have month wise backups for the next 8 months. So at any given time we will have fully steeped and ready to smoke stuff.

Feel free to mention any flavor you want us to develop or you want to try.

If we see a pattern or a high demand for a particular flavor. Then I can focus on making that the best. And ensuring there is stock. And more imp. ensuring that the stock is steeped and ready to smoke.

The two flavors I smoke everyday which we wont run out off are

a. Honey Do
b. RY4 Strong

Dont smoke anything else. Other for testing or development.

Re: Customers Please mention your fav BV Flavor.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:14 pm
by fazal215
my personal fav is Original PAN flavor - 18 mg nic.

smoked on iclear 30 at 7 watts.

other i have tried - watermelon, RY4 and USA honey DO and a sample tobbaco.

i could not vape honey DO alone, i had to mix few drops of PAN then its pretty nice man.

currently steeping latest batch of e juice: Irish cream, black current, PAN , RY4.

my thoughts on mango. when inhaling its tastes like mango, but issue is when exhaling it gives some weird fishy after taste in my throuth.

does it need steeping or is it just me?

come on guys please give feedback on what you like?

thanks Ron for wonder e juice keep up the good work.

Re: Customers Please mention your fav BV Flavor.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:14 am
by mohsihummer
Wastermelon musk
honey doo
would also like to try some tobacco favlor this time and some of those new flavs youve cooked up.
on a side note, while this batch of watermelon musk was very good, the last batch was better imo.

Re: Customers Please mention your fav BV Flavor.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:37 am
by chinoy
I reduced the PG even more in the new batches. We reduced PG by another 5%.
If it does not improve with steeping will add the PG back.

I have a Tribica Clone RY4 Strong + Pyrizine.
We now have a new Tobacco flavor added Orissa Leaf. Nice rich taste. And different from Mysore leaf.