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Why ive given up on the dripper and gone back to RDA

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:12 am
by chinoy
Ive gone back to using the russian, the Pro tanks, the ithika, the Aqua. And put the dripper away.
The reason is simple flavour.
The dripper just does not seem to give me the same flavor I get from the RDA and the Pro Tanks.
Its hard to explain why. But just about the only thing I ever use the dripper for now is to test juices.

The thing about RDA is I thought they where crap. Then I got Arun to wind me a coild and all of a sudden they are working at a different level.
The fact that we have gone to using 28 and 26 gauge may also have something to do with it.

Ive also stopped using my mechanical mod because it gives you no warning when the bat is down. Some guys say they can detect it.
I can not detect the diff between 3 volts and 2.8 volts and I have ruined a good bat by letting it drain to 1.5 volts l
So now no more mech mod for me.

Re: Why ive given up on the dripper and gone back to RDA

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:08 pm
by fazal215
interesting, what RDA do you suggest Ron? your self and Andyk have given up on RDAs so i never really looked into them.

did you say 28G kanthal is better for coils?

>ve also stopped using my mechanical mod because it gives you no warning when the bat is down

so what are you using then? MVP2?

Re: Why ive given up on the dripper and gone back to RDA

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:11 pm
by chinoy
We have some Pro Tanks for sale. Nothing can match a pro tank when it comes to flavor. You just need to learn how to rebuild the coil.
I use the itaste VTR and Sigeli 20 watt.
Both gifts to my self for finishing 1 month smoke free and 2nd month smoke free.

The Russian is a good RDA. In fact any RDA is good if you can find somebody who knows how to do a good build on it.
Everything matters from how much cotton you use. How you tuck the cotton. etc.
I found even the drip tip makes a huge effect on flavor. How it spreads out the smoke on your tongue. etc.