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Hohoho ITC makes the first move!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:18 am
by simz
So, Big T has finally entered the vaping scene. ITC has introduced their cigalikes called EON. The site is super slick and their entire marketing angle seems to be skewed towards making vaping cool. And then Big T says ejuice makers are targeting kids with fancy flavours? The irony of it all will probably kill more people than smoking. Each cigalike costs 300 bucks and lasts 250 puffs apparently. The cool "trigger" pack is free cause "flaunting the stylish "Trigger Pack", will surely add to your cool quotient and make you the talk of town."

That last line is actually on the site.

Anyways here's the site

Re: Hohoho ITC makes the first move!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:58 pm
by mohsihummer
"The irony of it all will probably kill more people than smoking" lol
How does this work into the whole ecig ban? Maybe itc itself is enforcing the ban

Re: Hohoho ITC makes the first move!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:03 am
by chinoy
basically they want you to only smoke cig alike. Its the best business model to make the most money.
Everything else is bad and not to be used. Only their crappy I dont work cig alike should cell. Not just ITC a lot of e-cig business are hoping for this.
Because you do make the most profits selling these.
I want to taste the flavor just to see how good or bad it is. And if its PG or VG and what nic strength is being used.

This is their testing the waters. I was there too launch.