Why to avoid buying Nic or Juice on Sale.

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Why to avoid buying Nic or Juice on Sale.

Post by chinoy »

This is inside info and could cause a shit storm.
But have you ever wondered why you see some places selling juice or nic at deep discount. ?.
Esp. if you offer to buy a larger qty ?.

The reason is simple.
a. Nic has a lifetime. If you do not use it up it goes off. The life time as per the data sheet I have is 3 years. The batch we purchased was made on 02/08/2014 and will be good till 02/8/2017.

b. Juice flavors change with age. Some grow stronger some grow weaker. Some just go rancid.

If your buying something that you plan to smoke and consume really fast. Then go ahead and pig out on the sale. But if your thinking this is something I want to keep and use over the next 6-12 months. Well you have been warned.

Next why do flavors change.
a. As the juice ages it undergoes what is called steeping and the flavor will change.
b. Our taste buds change based on many factors.
c. What gear we are using effects flavor.
d. Batch to batch there can be changes in flavor based on % of PG /VG used.

Most of the flavors Im selling will be steeped for at least a week to two weeks. Except the Indian fruit flavors which need no steeping and can be smoked the same day. American and china flavors need 2-5 weeks. To get the full effect.

My method of selling is simple. I keep testing it. If its something I can vape. Its good to sell. If I don't like vaping it. Its not good to sell.