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MtBakerVapor E-juice.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:41 pm
by chinoy
I have the following from Mt Baker.
Anybody wants to get a taste your welcome. Moshi if you have not tried it you really should. As you where thinking of buying from there.
I have Guava / Irish Cream / And unflavored PG / VG.
The plan is to cook them at 10% start Half with their PG/VG and Half with mine.

If anybody has the starting % for these two flavors post up.
I have a feeling these are not natural flavors.

Re: MtBakerVapor E-juice.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:36 am
by mohsihummer
yes i was... ill see if i can drop buy next week when i maybe in bangy.

Re: MtBakerVapor E-juice.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:41 pm
by simz
So mbv uses flavours from Flavor West, who also supply flavours to a few other ejuice vendors. According to the flavour west site, their flavours include some pg to carry the flavour, no idea how much. That maybe something to consider when mixing. There's a thread on ecf that recommends 10% flavour for irish cream ( ... eview.html)

At the same time people have found success with mbv flavours as low as 2% (for certain tobacco flavours). I'm going to go out on a limb and say guava will be great around the 13-15% mark, that's what tasted good to me when I tried mixing up 1 ml.

Re: MtBakerVapor E-juice.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:50 pm
by chinoy
I cooked it in the MBV PG/VG Mix. But did not like it. I think 50% PG + The PG from the essence was just too much PG.
So Ive cooked it with my Natural VG and own PG. You can pick up 10 ML next time your over. Its bit on the strong side flavor wise but I think that will tapper off with time.

So I mixed it at 22% flavor. Which I would thought would be strong.

24 hours after speed steeping.

The taste is iffy at best. If you where to give this to somebody and ask them what flavor they thought it was. Nobody would guess Gauva.
I will sample it on the drippe every other day to see if it improves. Who ever picks this up. Id suggest steeping it for some more time. All these american flavors which are sent based and not taste based need weeks to work.

The flavor is very much American in style as in Synthetic.
The Pro's its one of those light flavors.

Re: MtBakerVapor E-juice.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:39 pm
by chinoy
Mixed the Irish cream. A hard flavor to mix cause if you go over the edge it tastes like rancid milk. But at the right mix. It makes a good secondary note. If I had to call it a flavor. Id say Kulfi more than Irish cream. The Indian Kulfi flavors taste a lot like this. i.e. sweet cream. It will also make a gr8 secondary flavor with stuff like Honey do, watermellon, RY4 etc.
I dont think it was designed to work as a primary flavor by it self. Def a flavor to keep ahnging arround.
Funny thing mixing it with my Irish cream. Makes both taste better.
Just kept adding flavor till it tasted right. No time to steep. Tasty so smoke it.

Re: MtBakerVapor E-juice.

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:35 pm
by chinoy
Dude simz I was able to fix the Gauva after a lot of work. Next time your over take 10ML its come out pretty decent. You should sample it on your atty at least. Added 2-3 more flavors and got the taste to something decent.

Re: MtBakerVapor E-juice.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:24 am
by simz
When I tried it earlier itself I liked it. If it's even better now, that's genius. Another thing to consider is MBV juices and concentrates need steep time. It's been 3 and a half weeks now so it's almost there. I'm sure everything from them will pick up a little more flavour in the coming weeks