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Why E-Cig got baned in some countries.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:47 pm
by chinoy
I really wanted to know why e-cig was baned in some places but sale of normal tob was ok.

First I thought it was the obvious. Taxes.
And big Tobacco doing their thing. Possible.

But then I spoke to somebody who was involved and knows why it was done.

The reason it got banned as per this story is because of Vapers.

You had guy trying to vape inside planes, in hotels, in restaurants etc.

When they where stopped and told no smoking here. They would take out the boxes they had purchased their e-cig in.
And the box said no smoke you can use this anywhere.

This caused problems. People where objecting to their smoking in no smoking areas. And the guys vaping where refusing to listen.

So the powers that be said. Ok Fluck this. Just ban the dam thing.

Today I was smoking on the road. A guy taps me on the shoulder and says please move away dont smoke here.
They funny thing was that the guy who was being disturbed by smoke was smoking himself. I found that so crazy.

So I started talking to him. And asked him why was he objecting to my smoke. When he himself was smoking a regular cig.
His reply was at least I know what I am smoking. WHo knows what chemicals or what you are smoking. I do not even want to inhale any of it.

Frustrating but this is what is going on.
My 2 cents to my fellow Indian vapers. Please do not make this mistake. If somebody objects. Do not fight over it. Just move away. And find another spot to vape.

Re: Why E-Cig got baned in some countries.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:50 pm
by mohsihummer
Most people just want to show off their new toy.
Ive vaped on planes and airports in bathrooms. The smoke detectors dont go off. Theres no point in making a scene.. especially when the indian vaping scene is so new. Itll only do harm.
On a airindia del-hyd flight, the air hostess mentioned that smokig of cigs AND ECIGS isnt allowed when announcing safety instructions. Didnt happen on the same flight from hyd-del. So i guess someone did make a scene and piss off the staff