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China stuff making me sick.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:35 pm
by chinoy
So got some RY4 and Camell from Moshi.
RY4 was just too harsh on the throat. First time in my life I am going to throw away e-juice.
This stuff is dangerous.

Cameal was smokable. Smoke 1/2 tank from my 1ML tank.
Work up in the morning feeling sick. Smoked the remaining 1/2 tank.
My face has broken out in a rash if you dont believe me ask Prd he noticed my rash it was that bad.

Man this china juice is just not working for me. There is too much PG in it.

I want you guys with my flavors to try something.

Dont smoke any other juice for 24 hours.
Only smoke my stuff.

Tell me if you dont feel a 100 time better or not.
If you dont have access to my stuff. Just smoke some high quality 100% VG juice.
Next time your buying juice buy at least 1 or 2 with pure VG.

Lets do this little test. To think that at one time all I was smoking was this china high PG juice. And I was feeling sick like a dog. And kept thinking it was due to my heart attack and the meds I was on. Even my rash I thought it was due to the blood thiners.

Now Im pretty sure it was the juice.

Jut try this. Test and report back.
You cant try it with the Indian flavors cause they are PG based. Try them with the stuff like Honey Do.
But even my water melon with Indian flavors does not cause this level of feeling sick.

Im not saying this is a fact. Just what I have observed need other guys to try it.
Sick as in very lethargic mind. But feeling buzzed by the nic at the same time.

My thoughts
a. PG is bad I dont think Im allergic. Its just nasty stuff.
b. The quality of the Nic and the VF and PG is critcal to how you feel. Maybe not the first time you smoke. But over a period of time the effect builds up. Your brain is so high on Nic you just dont realize how f-ed your body is getting.
Smoke a zero nic juice for a few hours. The full effect of what your body is going thru will come thru.
If not observe how you feel before the first smoke for the day. When your nic levels have dropped from not smoking.

Its been 6 hours since I stopped smoking the China Dekang stuff. And the rash is going down. Should be cleared up by night.

Re: China stuff making me sick.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:41 pm
by mohsihummer
yeah pg is shit.
especially 70 or 100%pg..
Lethargic yet buzzed is bout right.
Sadly, thats all that is easily available right now.

Re: China stuff making me sick.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:53 am
by chinoy
You know where Im getting stuck in launching man.

I feel at least guys like you and core RDD guys. Should make the switch ASAP.
I can supply you with pure VG in what ever QTY you want.

Nic with pure PG in a few days. Start with that.

I strongly feel at least core RDD vapers should clear up this doubt about how bad some of the juices are ASAP.
Even if it means vaping just VG + nic and no flavor. Also switch to the good flavor very low nic after 7pm.

Im telling you in less than 24 hours you will feel 100 times better.

I have figured out another reason why PG is used. It gunks up the coils less. VG gunks up the coils a lot more.
PG levels under 25% seem to work ok. The less the PG the better it is for your health. I feel.

Also feels like there is huge variation in the nic we are getting. Some times its ok. Sometimes I cant sleep till 5AM.
Where as if I use my own juice and nic. No problems sleeping.

I know some guys are going to read this and go WTF I feel fine.
The key here is there are two types of guys who vape.

a. Those who vape to get their nic fix and then dont smoke. Due to work / office / family.
b. Those who vape all day. And have no restriction on vaping. These are the guys who are at most danger and need to keep a tight control on Nic and PG.

Re: China stuff making me sick.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:51 am
by mohsihummer
im all ready for rdd juice... gimme 2-3 days to manage the money..
And i sincerely wish i can switch completely to your juice. But the nicotine and availability is the problem.
Frankly, 250rs for proper eliquid with easy availability is very very acceptable.
Simz is ready too.
shuvo was asking me to get some.. but you werent selling at the meet.
Ive got two non rdd friends who wanna try some..
Get the nic ready and watch the queue build.
Ive asked greenhouseone if they can guarantee custom clearence of >20mg pg.They sell upto 100mg unflavored nic. that would be a worthy source atleast for the time being.

Re: China stuff making me sick.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:22 pm
by chinoy
man once you start smoking the flavors Im on. You will forget about your nic.

My point at the very least keep one tank of Healthy stuff. When you want your Nic fix. You smoke other juice. For health you smoke babavapes. Even doing this will make a huge diff to how you feel.

I really dont want to discuss Nic strength over 20 MG. That is the limit allowed in India. No point discussing anything more.
Im thinking offer it in 3 types. Low - Med - High. Keep it simple.

My advise to anybody thinking off getting my stuff. Get a Dripper.
Some of our best healthiest tastiest flavors are going to gunk up coils. A dripper is the best thing to use.
Pull out cotton. Dry burn. Put back cotton after pulling off the tip which has gunked up.
Total time taken under 30 seconds.
VG also createst more gunk. So if your going to smoke high VG then you need a driper / Tank.

Nic scene you know we need a guy in Bombay. Go buy. Carry back. You want pure nic. Cause the second you start buying in MG level than your mixing PG/VG from a vendor who may not have PG/VG as good as yours.

Re: China stuff making me sick.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:30 pm
by simz
So, been on Ron's juice since saturday. 1.5 ml later and my throat is thanking me. My evod filled with watermelon just ran out and as usual it was super smooth, no throat hit. Friends (still smoking cigarettes) who've been taking the occasional vape off it can taste the diff from the hangsen stuff I had earlier. Clearly no harsh throat hit.

Just put on some of Ron's black honey. Again, smooth as *bleep*. Good nic buzz too.

Guess I've been lucky that my vaping curve went from just a few vapes off dekang/hangsen flavs straight to a bottle from josh products and Ron's low PG stuff.