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My take on sub ohming.

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:49 pm
by chinoy
Just one word comes to mind on this topic. Waste.

Sub Ohming is some what of an elitist thing in the vaping world. Some how your not a big boy in the vaping scene if your not sub ohming and blowing huge clouds.

One of the reasons I spent all that money on the VTR and the Segeli 20 watt. Both of which where suposed to be the top of the food chain.
We could have and can still easily build a 100 watt mod, Arun is allready hiting under 1 ohm SS coils.
But I don't see any diff between .5 and .1
Its just wasting your bat. Its wasting your juice.
Just a few days on the VTR at full power. And you go thru tanks like in one sitting.
Your bat does not last you a day. Whats the deal. Other than bragging rights and the ability to blow senseless big clouds not much.

There is no magic improvement in flavor. In fact if I was to compare my 2.2 Ohm 8 wind T2 or Pro Tank 2 to a sub ohm wind the only diff I see is how poorlly the bat lasts, how fast you go thru juice.
Just waste everywhere. I would rather smoke my single tank of 24 MG in the T2 all day. vs going thru 3 tanks in one day and 3 bats On a sub ohm.

For those of you who enjoy it. By all means enjoy. For those of you who dont know. And are sinking huge money into something just to sub ohm. just because you heard something online forget it. Come spend the day with me. And try it out for your self.

Its a lot like the single coil vs the dual coil. When in fact with a nice start wound coil on your mini pro tank. you can get better flavor and hit than say a dual coil.

Ive got a .72 ohm coil which works on the VTR and a .56 ohm for the segeli. They just suck juice & bat like there is no tomorrow.
Im not even going into get into the medical findings which say as the temps climb your as good as com-busting stuff and your no longer vaping.

Im going to do it all and experience it all. Just so that nobody can say try it and then talk. That is the only reason Im doing it.
I know a lot of your guys think there is a rainbow when you subohm and it blows your mind. This post if for you. Before you go chasing that rainbow pop over and have a go on the VTR or the Segeli and see if this is something you really want.

Re: My take on sub ohming.

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:45 pm
by mohsihummer
Read somehwere that some they sub ohm on mech mods so that the vape exp doesnt change as much with change in batt voltage. Not sure if its true or not.

Re: My take on sub ohming.

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:10 pm
by chinoy
That sounds like bullshit. Vaping on a pure mech mod makes no sense to me.
Your flavor is going to be all over the place. As you use the bat. The voltage is going to change. At least have the common sense to use a kick.

If you dont want the flavor to change then make sure you vape it at a constant voltage or wattage. i.e. I know my Coffee chocolate tastes best at 4.1 volts on a T2 tank.
If I was on a mech it would start out at 4.2 and then keep dropping. With a kick or Variable voltage setup. You decide the voltage or wattage. And the circuit keeps it there.

How can you have the same taste if your voltage keeps changing ?. Tell me if Im making sense or not.
It just sounds manlly to be on a pure mech. Even Prd figured out this mistake and purchased a kick.

Re: My take on sub ohming.

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:23 pm
by mohsihummer
im not interested in sub-ohming. And i like a consistent vape, which is why i intend to use a kick.
So, even when sub-ohming, voltage drops cause change in vape exp... Got it.

Re: My take on sub ohming.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:56 am
by chinoy
I have striped all my dual coils and converted them to single coil.
All my under 1 Ohm coils. Do not offer me the smoke or taste I get from my old plastic T2 tank.

The frustrating thing about dual coil and sub ohming is the absurd levle of bats you need to change and this is on the large 18650 bats. Im using 2800 Mah bats. And they dont last me 1/2 day.
Then again I am driving it at max watts 15 on the VTR and 20 on the Sgelie.

So now Im re-thinking everything. i.e. Design coils to work with the lowest voltage i.e. instead of trying to pump 6-8 volts from a 3 volt bat. Design your coil to work at under 4 volts. This will make a huge diff to your bat life.

Was having a chat with Ajit about this. i.e. focus on getting the highest temp with the least voltage. And the most surface area.
The only reason I can think of returning to sub ohming and dual coils is if I could hook up to a power outlet or get a pass thru. Else even with 12 bats. Im getting feed up of charging them.
hell if you can only re-charge these bats X times then we are going to have a big issue on bat bills and sourcing the bats.