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Batt & Tank suggestions/rquestions

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:21 am
by mohsihummer
Any suggestions for a tank for 650mah batts? got a t2. looking for a better tank. This tank wont last long. Was thinking of a mini protank 3 but cant charge my only batt every few hours.
Also looking for good starter vv kit for a friend.. was thinking of smoktech winder 1500mah. But some say it lasts about 6 months.
Also thoughts on this? Cheap, looks solid, will work with large tanks, 1300mah, reviews seem good. Its VV, but has only 3 voltages. At the price its offered, its hard to ignore ~ rs850

Re: Batt & Tank suggestions/rquestions

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:08 pm
by chinoy
First off forget about running a dual coil on these piddly ego crap.
Most of them cant even dry burn a 2 Ohm coil. Forget about 1.5 Dual coil.

The T2 is a good starter tank. You made a good choice there.

Now about which tank you want to upgrade to that depends on what type of bat you are going to run.
once you fix your bat then you pick your tank.

After using a lot of systems this is the advise for you.

Get a APV which allows you to swap out bats. That way no 6 month business. Plus if charge drops you just push in a new bat and your up and ready.
In the various bat sizes my fav is the 18650. They are the most advanced best value for money bats.

So based on your budget get a mechanical or a VV/VW which runs off the 18650 bat.
Once you have this punch. Then you can pick any tank you want.

If your going to stick with the Ego style bats. Then get the Mini Tanks. Pro tank 2 for single coil and Pro Tank 3 for dual coil.
If your going 18650 bat and a larger bat. Then get the larger tanks.

Follow what I am buying you cant go wrong. Each purchase is done after a lot of research.
On the larger tanks get the Aero Tank with adjustable air flow. I got mine for 15$.
Or better still get the old and obsolete tanks like the Pro Tank1 and Pro Tank2.

Those are on sale for 8-10$. Yes the same obsolete tanks our friend e-cig is selling for 1800/- lol.
Avoid the latest tanks cause they cost 30$+ and the price will drop as soon as the next model comes out.
If your not confident of re-winding pro-tank coils. Then get a Genesis style re-build-able.

You can get a mechanical mod for under 25$ then buy the kick. And it becomes VV/VW. Pradeep picked up the Hammer mod. And a kick.

Re: Batt & Tank suggestions/rquestions

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:36 pm
by mohsihummer
will prolly get an apv instead of mech mods. Dont wanna end up worrying about blowing batts. its easier to change voltages on digi stuff and im not too keen on subohms either.
Looking at how ill have to invest 3-4k on apv+batt+charger, i guess ill have to wait 2-3 months. will order 18650 batt+charger first. Then will decide on which apv.

The glue which holds base of my t2 is being eaten by juice. wont last long. Id like to try bcc's cause cooler vape+ they seem a lil easier to rebuild. The coil is more accessible.
i guess its just small single coil tanks which one is better? some say glass tastes better. Can anyone verify this?
t3s or mini protank 3? pt3m is 3x the price of t3s. but coils are same. ... izer-1-0-1

Re: Batt & Tank suggestions/rquestions

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:39 pm
by mohsihummer
EDIT: looked at mech mod clones from fastech.. damn it.. its too tempting. vw kick+mod<2k

Re: Batt & Tank suggestions/rquestions

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:11 pm
by chinoy
Getting bat from fast tech is out of the question.

You did not listen to me double coil is a bad idea.

Get the Pro Tank 2. Its single coil bottom feed.
The coil is single. You can re-build it. I just did a 8 wind coil. With cotton wick better than a new coil.

Did you try the wallnut flavor how was it ?

I plan to make some simple 18650 mech mods. The plan is to have two tubes. One copper one SS then lazer cut a design on one. And not the other. For nice 3d effect.
Top it off with a simple 510 connector.

If your really stuck for 18650 I can give you one of mine Im sitting on 12 of them. From old laptop bats.
I got the tobaco you sent its cooking.

Re: Batt & Tank suggestions/rquestions

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:57 pm
by mohsihummer
The pt3 was a typo. meant mini protank2. will order mpt2 and coils soon.
W.r.t tobacco. sweet.. tell me if it works out. Will send any qty you want.. Meanwhile ill source some fresh tobacco. Though may take time. Raw tobacco costs next to nothing here.
Walnut flavour- Its good.. the only hangsen that tasted authentic so far. i actually felt i was eating a nut.

batt and charger- thatd be great. let me save up for a mech mod. If you make a mod and i can afford it, will buy that too. As soon as ive enough money, ill grab the batt and charger.