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Taiwan Barrels Fix up service.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:59 pm
by chinoy
We have a long list of customers who are getting their Taiwan made barrels fixed at RDD.
The results are pretty amazing. I will try and print out a Dyno Curve off what one of the new RD barrels are doing.

As you may know the Indian market have been flooded with RXG and RD350 barrels made in Taiwan.
The metal quality is ok. (As long as you dont get a blow hole in the liner).
But all the barrels suffer from a core shift and liner shift.

Runing these barrels as is. WOuld be asking for a disaster. So do have them fixed before installing them.
RDD offers a complete package for getting these barrels to run right. From head mods to jetting and piston setup.

The prices are
a. RD350 barrels Fix Ports and hone to right size. Mod heads to Rs 10,000/-
b. RXG Barrel Fix ports. Mod Heads, re-hone & Jetting Rs 4500/-

Re: Taiwan Barrels Fix up service.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:39 am
by chinoy
A frequent request is to clean up the China Barrels. And make it work like a stock 5 speed.
I would like to tell people that you can never make this barrel work like a stock speed.
The Exhaust port duration on this barrel is more than that on the stock 5 speed.

Hope more people realize this.In effect it makes more power than the 5 speed if setup well. But you low and midrange power are serioully reduced.
Making it all the more important that you run the RDD Digital Box with this setup to get back some of that low and mid your going to find missing.