We are listening to what people have to say.
The most common problem or complaint was that our flavors were too strong.
I made them strong because if I was buying flavors Id like it to be too strong. Then I dilute it down to what I like.
Free extra juice is the first thing that comes to mind. But I guess if people are going to complain about it being strong. Id rather save the money. And make reduce the flavor. Works for me.
So we will dial back the flavor strength a little bit where needed.
I really like Paan 2 and Gulkhan. Again you should get the gulkhan separate and the paan 2 separate and blend it to something you like.
Taste is very personal and the only way to keep customers happy. Is to give them as much control over their flavors as possible. This is what Drove me to DIY. The total lack off control on the flavors.
Once you learn to blend 2 juices you can move up to 3-4 and then maybe one day make your own formulation.
Peach with tobacco. Indian Honey do with tobacco. All good combinations but best when you blend them yourselves.
We are working on better and better methods and recipes. But have opted not to share the information. Because its a conflict of interest. The only reason I bring it up is to let you guys know things are improving and getting refined on a daily basis.
We will continue to try to offer pre-steeped matured flavors for as long as we can. And the flavors will keep getting better.
We are even going to do our popular Mellon Madness with the original recipe. In a few days.
And we will be introducing two new American Tobacco flavors. People can order it while in development. Or buy it and steep it themselves. Limited qty is being made. As these are both new flavors.
We will also offer flavors that are in development but not moved to production or which may never move to production.
One such flavor is butter. Its the best I could come to butter but not fit for release so it will never live past the sample 100 ML made in development. Rather than throw it offer it in the list. If nobody buys it in a few months. Put it on a sale. And not repeat that flavor again.