... t_to_vape/
I read that complete post with some amusement.
Poor guys are missing out on some of the best ever flavors that exist.
I wish I knew how to respond to a reddit but could not for the love of me figure it out.
My message would have been Guys stop panicking. Diacetyl is no longer made or used by any flavor company of repute.
And just because you are scared about this do not miss out on a lot of superb flavors.
If you think that Diacetyl is the only way to get a milk / cheese / flavor you are badly miss informed.
I have in my arsenel of flavors at least 6 flavors that can give you cheese / milky notes.
Its not my objective to share my secrets with you. But I will give you just one example of a butter flavor which is safe.
Butyric acid. Before you go all ape shit about the acid with it. Dont worry it exists in the human body. And cause no harm. Well its as harmful as Malic Acid which you guys vape like there is no tomorrow in most of your juices.
If you suffer from Paranoia bouts as do I.
Then only vape 100% VG with Nic.
If not stick to only Natural Line. Which we are developing.
Rest assured we are well aware of every chemical used in every flavor we sell. And they are all safe.
In fact Id say our stuff is safer and healthier than anything you can get on the market. And Im open to debate it.
Tell me how many e-juice companies know at the molecule level what is in their juice ?.