Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

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Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by chinoy »

After much testing. Much hard work. I finally think I have the perfect e-juice.
Ever since I started e-cig. There has been a strong craving to smoke. Which I have to fight.
I thought it would get easy as time passed. But it did not go aways.

Then I thought my body needs more nic. So I kept smoking stronger and stronger nic to the point where I was feeling sick.
Then I found out about NET and WTA. Buying 10 ML from the USA for 30$ was out of the equation.

So make my own.
First I tried with gold flake honey dew leaf, then cigars, then snuff, then kehnai. Then various tob leafs.

Finally the best results where found with the tob Moshi sent me.
To this I have added some dry fruit. Walnut, Dates, Apricots. Which my bro got down from Doha.
It took big drama to make. Doubt I will ever make it again.

This is a very low PG mix. Mostly VG.
It has zero nic. But it has something special. Which no amount of nic can give you.

From about 100 Grams Tobacco and other stuff mostly dry fruit and vanilla pods. I got 100 ML juice.
It took me a month to make. Im willing to give away 25 ML. That is 5 x 5 ML mixes. Or even 2ML x 10.

You can use it any tank you want. But it will gunk up your coil. So I would recommend you only use it on something where you can rebuild the coil. Dont come crying that it gunks up your coil. On a RBA it takes 30 seconds to clean the coil.

Im not going to pay for shipping. Bottles etc. Im willing to give it to Moshi or Smiz and then you guys handle the distribution.
Works well with any Tobacco Flavor. Even works with Fruit flavors. All you need is 1-2 drops. At the ultimate extreme I mix it 50-50. With another juice. And you get the taste.

This to me is the ultimate in taste, satisfaction and vaping. So far few guys have tried it mainly PRD. Arun etc. All have said its something special.

you guys distribute it based on participation on this forum. Or how ever you want.
Im willing to donate 25 ML of this magic mix.

The best part there is no rocket science to it. If your willing to spend 30 min every single day for 1 month. you can make it your self. Just use Andhra Tob. + Dry Fruits + high grade PG / VG.

If nobody shows any interest Simz and Moshi you guys can share it.
The rest Im keeping my self Arun and Prd and Sunil.

I dont want to sell this. Cause there is no value you can place on the amount of work it took to make this. I just want to share it.
If you dont have a RBA. Just keep a separate coil for this.
Post up what you liked it best with.
For me it works a treat with any of my Tob Flavors, RY4, RY4D, Honey Do, Camel, Malbro, Even good with watermelon lol.

Ps: its very easy to make it gunk free i.e. just extract the alkaloids and throw away the rest. But then you loose the taste.
Half the magic is in the taste. The dry fruits do give it a sweetish taste. Id say its a sweet tobacco flavor.
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by mohsihummer »

Sounds sweet. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by fazal215 »

when are planning to sell juice with nic, really need some quality stuff. please let us know waiting to order.
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by chinoy »

People are smoking up shit for anywhere and everywhere without realizing what they are smoking.
This is not a joke. Its peoples lives we are playing with.

I had to study as much as an automobile engineer to under stand engines. Now I am studying chemistry lol a subject I hated.
I am not in this to make money. If I was I would be selling to anybody and everybody.

Im in this to effect change.
Towards that end. Id like to set the benchmark for others to follow. Starting with a lab report for the PG and VG and Nic your using in your juice.

I feel really sick smoking the Dekang stuff. I went online to do some research and guess what I found our. Some Dekang flavors are 100% PG. I nearly fell off my chair. And Ive smoked over 100 ML of this shit.

In India we like cheap. Screw the certificate. If they guys says its quality PG / VG and its cheap we have no problems trusting him.

Half the guys smoking have zero idea as to the dangers of what they are smoking.
The more I study. The more I know whats going on the more scared I get. To the point where I am thinking if I cant crack this. i.e. get all the facts right. I should just give up on the e-cig or really cut it down to under 1 ML a day.
Going back to regular tob is not an option for me. Im thinking use e-cig as a way to brake my smoking habit of 30+ years.
And then get out of e-cig also if I can. That should be our ultimate goal.

Anyway getting back on topic. Moshi if you want this. Come collect it. Or send somebody to collect it. I cant be bothered packing it and shipping it out for free. You sent me some good tob. Consider this a thanks in return.

Ive got cigar extract from all over the world. If you come with a dripper I can give you cuban, Street Fighter and a few others. But nothing comes close to this in taste. Or effect on the brain.

The more I read about the production of VG the scarier it gets.
VG is better than PG. But how it gets made. That is another story all together.
We are playing with fire in a very unregulated market. Need to be super super careful.

Unless I really trust a company. I will not take more than a few hits to sample the taste.
If you cant tell Im getting paranoid now. Ive put away all my fancy tanks. Gone back to the smallest tank.
Just siping the bare min I need to get my nic fix. And putting it down. Id suggest you evolve out of sucking on the e-cig all day to this ASAP and see how much better you feel.

Stop all juice that have more than 40% PG also.
VG is made 10 ways from Sunday now I have started research into which is the best healthiest one.
Then I need to see if we can get a lab to test it. And provide a certificate of purity.

This stuff is made with low PG and very costly USP grade VG so its safe. Just don't try smoking it pure you need to mix it 50% with some other Tob flavored juice.
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by simz »

Well that's a sobering thought. Like everyone who sucked on cigarettes like it was the best thing in the world only to find out the surgeon general says it'll kill you with cancer. The early adopters never stand a chance.

On that note, mohsi I can pick it up and send it across through go tours.
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by chinoy »

man just bring clean bottles with no smell.
Nothing pisses me off than to take so much effort to make a good juice and then fill it in a bottle or tank that has another flavor.

You can take samples off all my flavors,
Mango is ready. As are quite a few others. These are all zero nic.
Take em all for free for you an moshi.

My logic is figure out what flavors you really like. Then we can add the nic latter.
No point / so stupid to buy a juice with Nic and then figure out you dont like it.
Adding nic to a juice has very little effect on the taste at least with the Nic Im using right now.

So figure out the ones your going to love and we can add the nic latter when I start selling.
You can have it for free in return for your feedback. At least Ill come to know which flavors will do well and which ones wont.

I wish guys like Prd and Arun would write about their exp. With something missing.
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by chinoy »

Next batch of this juice will be started in a few days. This time we will be using the best Tobacco in the country.
It is cured with coffee husk. And made near mysore / hassan belt.

It is impossible to buy this tobacco commercially. Even if you where willing to pay the absurd asking price.
The reason is ITC buys out all of it that is made. They have contracts with the farmers which specify that they cant sell it to anybody else.

So unless you own a farm. Know somebody who owns a farm and is willing to take a risk. The chances of you getting this tob are close to zero.

Lucky for me we have members who are from Mysore / Hassan and who the contacts to source this.
And that too in very small qty just for my personal use. Not to sell.
Latest news is that they are waiting for the rains to start. Once it rains we get the best leaf.
Curing it seems takes 3 days to a week. At the farmers end.

One way or the other Im going to nail my Honey Do flavor to perfection. This batch like I said before was made with Andhra Tob. + 10 Gold Flake Honey Dew + one Champagne cigar.

Someone wanted to know what the Nic level was in this juice.
From what I have read and studied. There is little or nic nic in this juice. That is why you need to mix it with some other juice that has nic. What this juice does have is the ultimate tob flavor and some tob alkaloids. That other juices do not.
This juice is referred to as NET. For Naturally Extracted Tobacco Flavor.
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by mohsihummer »

@simz.. thanks man.. gimme a call when you pick it up. Ill inform friends at go-tour. Will also send some empty bottles i have and msg you. You can pick em up from the shop.
@ron.. Thanks a lot.
w.r.t the tobacco i sent you the second time.. Try to cook the diff varieties seperately. I want to know if there is sufficient difference in em.
Im in vijayawada so cant pick it up personally. Give em to simz
Ill take any fruit flavors you can give. a second tank is on the way. So i can fill one with high nic for the kick and second one with low/0 nic.

As for vg- many ways it can be extracted.. Even from body fat. In fight club-the english movie, the protagonist steals body fat extracted by plastic surgeons and makes soap from it(glycerin is a by-product when making soap) and jokes about how he is selling rich peoples fat back to them.

Recently, some guys in hyd were caught making cooking oil from dead animal's bones for many years and selling it off. ... -hyderabad
not trying to scare people, but things like this do happen.. Supposedly, this specific oil improves flavor..
They also sell the oil to companies that make soaps..
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by simz »

Ron, if the alphonso mango vapes half as real as it smells, you've got a winner. Bottles are a prob, for now I'll use syringes for sampling. I've also got a couple of flavour concentrates from mbv- possible contenders for the 'something' in your something missing juice. I'll come over on the weekend with it.
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by chinoy »

moshi lol your finding the same articles I have been reading.

Take a wild guess what they will be using in china?.
Read the articles where the Americans found poison in the juice. And the china company said oh by law we can have under 2% so what if it was 2.1% It just gets worse and worse the deeper down the rabbit hole I go. Guess which animal has the most fat ?. Pigs.

The first thing I would like to state is that so far what ever I have been making is safe. Because what I have mixed is Synthetic Glycerine. So no fat has been used of any kind in its making. I have a lab report which I can share with you as proof.

I dont want to post the lab report then others will copy my idea and start offering the same stuff. THis is what gives my stuff the smoothness and taste you wont find anywhere. But I am not happy to sell stuff with this VG. Though it will be offered as an option to Vegetarians. We will just call it Synthetic VG. We can be 100% sure that it has no animal fats in it.

VG comes in many many grades. From many many companies. Most of the stuff being sold in the USA comes from a grade called Kosher Grade or USP grade. All this means is that its safe to eat. It does not mean its safe to smoke. In fact when I tracked down one of the largest suppliers of VG to the e-cig industry in the USA. Their MSD report says not safe for inhalation.

So then what VG is safe for inhalation. In India its called IP grade. Or Indian Pharma grade. Which is what I was buying and testing from various Chemists. But the problem here is this is India. Many of the guys selling the IP stuff. Are just buying VG in bulk from Bombay and then re-packing it with the IP label. Also there is no guarantee as to where the VG is coming from.

Now you understand why I am not keen to rush into selling something only to figure out we made a mistake.
If somebody asks me what VG is being used. I should be in a position to answer with surety and confidence.

It should also be something that I am smoking my self. The problem with most guys selling stuff is 99% of them dont even smoke the stuff they are selling at least in India.

Ive been so depressed over the last week that at one point I was thinking of just going back to regular smokes. But this is a fight and Im going to go down fighting. At least I wont give up that easy.
And maybe we can get other companies making e-juice to address these issues.
Maybe we can set a standard in the country. That others will be forced to follow. Right now nobody is saying anything and nobody is asking.

So which VG should you get ?. If your a Non Veg Non Muslim hindu like me I guess it really doesnt matter.
But if your a Veg Hindu / Muslim. Then I would stick to the synthetic stuff. The Synthetic stuff is not as healthy as the other stuff but at least you know your not smoking fat.

Then again over 90% of the medical stuff we use everyday. Is made with VG which has fats. So maybe there is no need to freak out. Its in your syrups, its in your balms, its in your creams. Cosmetics etc.
I have one final idea which will ensure the safest VG but its going to take time.
The more I get into this the more I see the chances off offering something cheap going out the window. But in the end Im less bothered about the business and more bothered about getting something good for myself to smoke and enjoy. Without feeling sick as a dog.
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by mohsihummer »

Ive had bad experience with "IP GLYCERIN"... so not going to go there
VG- i have no prob with synthetic glycerin. Why is synthetic not as good? Its supposed to be the same chemical- the same formula and structure.. Is it cuase of trace qty of impurities?
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by chinoy »

The more I study the more I realize how many clueless people are writing total BS.
Im really scared to join their ranks. Because I know how little I know. But these guys writing about it on the web seem to know even less.

First let me explain the bit about the animals and the videos. No you dont get to smoke that oil. That oil is supplied to soap factories. To make soap. A by-product of the soap making industry is VG. Which is then purified. Which you could probably land up smoking.

No the chemical formula and structure for Synthetic is different. How can it be the same ?.
There are no impurities in it and its not an issue of impurities. Synth is normally the purest form. Also the costliest.
I dont trust it because its new technology. Where as I know that pure VG has been used from the time of the Vedas for making medications that humans where supposed to inhale.
So its just a personal preference. Im ok using either as I dont give a shit about margins and profits.

Also your understanding of IP is wrong IP just means. Indian Pharma Grade.
Look up what it means for VG to be classified as IP Grade. Its pretty comprehensive and impressive.

Basically it means that it needs to be over 99.5% pure. It also mentions what contaminants need to be checked for.
Heavy Metals, Ash, etc etc. A long list. One thing is for sure 99% of the stuff being labeled and sold as IP is not IP.

Anyway long story short. You have tasted both my VG and my Synth VG and you guys loved them both.
Nobody could even figure out the difference unless I told you.
Right now the best I can do is tell you what was used in the making of the juice. When I hand it over.

So far I dont have a single flavor done in both. I will do that so we can offer both.
Then you decide what you want to use.

To me it honestly doesn't matter.
This batch I have is fresh stock for 2104 which will be valid till 2016.
I have the Lab report for it. And am happy with the numbers. Most of the guys like you who have tasted love it.
So paranoid feelings going down slowly.

Also most guys and business dont have to worry about this.
You use the right quality VG / PG and your juices will taste good, be smooth and customers will hunt you down.
You dont use the right quality VG / PG. Customers will feel sick and give up on buying your juice.

No matter how good your flavor is. If your PG / VG is not good people will figure it out.
A really good flavor will hide crappy PG/VG for some time but not forever.

Part of the reason you guys have loved all my samples so far is down to the PG / VG. Flavors anybody can buy or make. The key is going to be finding the right PG / VG. I have found it yet. I keep buying. From new vendors almost everyday.
Today I picked up 5 KG again.
Its going to be funny cause very vendor in the country is going to claim they sold me stuff.
All the stuff I buy. I test and if its good which rare I send it to the lab for testing. If the lab says its IP grade we consider using it.
Food grade is thrown away. Or used as a body cream.

Test my theory only smoke juice from one company 1 week at a time. Then make notes about how you feel. Im pretty sure you will figure it out easy.
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Re: Im willing to share my Something Missing e-liq.

Post by chinoy »

Ill let simz write about what he thought after vaping the juice.
But one of the comments he passed is in common with everybody who has tried it. Which is this is the closet I have to smoking a real cig.

As Vapers I think this is something critical we all chase at least in the early days of giving up on smoking.

There are 2 parts to achieving this. And both are critical.
One is the taste. And the smell and the flavor. The other is the nicotine and all the alkaloids.
We can make it so that there is only Alkaloids and nic. But no flavor and taste. Or we can make it perfect taste and zero Alkaloids and nic. Or we can make it Taste / Flavor / Alkaloids / Nic. But it gunks up your coil. So bad that you can only smoke it on a Dripper or rebuildable.
The process to make it takes a month. But I am figuring out ways to scale this up. And speed up the process.

Im going to be using this my self at least two times a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening before sleeping.
I dont have the urge to vape it during the day.

Ive smoke it in everything from Kanger Techs and rebuilding those coils. To Gennys. And to drippers.
The Drippers work the best. Sometimes I smoke it neat. Sometimes I mix it with another tobacco flavor.

This is not hard to make you can get a sample of it by just soaking any tobacco into VG and smoking the VG.
As you get better and better at it the taste will improve and the effect will get stronger.
With this my craving for nic and smoking become zero. It really feels like smoking a cigar.
I have given two samples to Simz on from my first batch using Synth Glycerine and One from this batch used with VG.
This batch only Andhra tob was used.
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