E-Cig in the Media.

Everything to do with e Cigarettes.

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E-Cig in the Media.

Post by chinoy »

Post up links to scanned articles.
And free to discuss.

Lets start with a Typical Media BS article.
It goes without saying Big Tabaco is willing to fund you millions if you can prove any harmful effects from e-cig. They are shitting in their pants.

The media attack is what most well meaning people will read and then try to preach you with.

In India e-cig users have already been shafted and nobody can do anything about it. The only people who can do something about it is Big Pharma.
So here is the funny bit. You can buy any strength Pharma Grade Nicotine Chewing gum and patches. But you cant officially buy e-cig juice in 24 Mg/ Ml strength.

Who is going to lobby for e-cig?. The Greedy sellers only interested in making a quick buck I think not.

Anyway read this crap and tell me what you think.
My thoughts. They have covered their back sides but using the words "SOME E-Cig may cause cancer".
Then they have turned up the Volts / Watts on really big Tanks to get even this "Some" bit.
Why dont they say Normal E-Cig are harmless. Instead of saying Some cause cancer.

Why not say any kind of Cig causes cancer. ?.
Why not say risks from e-cig is far less ?.
ecig.jpg (498.23 KiB) Viewed 3642 times
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Re: E-Cig in the Media.

Post by mohsihummer »

Here's a long video about a study on ecigs.. Long but quite detailed.

Some questions answered
How effective it is
How much nicotine is absorbed
How bad it is.
Difference between first and second gen
Quitting success rates with e cig vs other types of nicotine replacement therapy(NRT)
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Re: E-Cig in the Media.

Post by chinoy »

Not media but an interesting read. Esp the first part about foodies and e-cig.
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Re: E-Cig in the Media.

Post by chinoy »

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Re: E-Cig in the Media.

Post by chinoy »

A lot of people keep telling me the same thing.
Hey ec-ig is bad I heard. The link above is a typical joke. It says e-cig causes super bugs. But real cig causes even more biger super bugs.
This is typical of the BS game that is being played out in the media.

Well most of you guys know me.
Most of you know that if I get interested in a subject I will chase it down to the smallest level.
I will study every single Paper and Technical Article on the subject.

Im not some dumb shit who will get suckered into something.

Here is my take on the the issue of e-cig.

1. If you do not smoke. You do not smoke. You do not need to even consider ever picking up an e-cig. It would be stupid to use an e-cig. Nobody in the e-cig world thinks its harmless.
2. If you do smoke. And you can stop smoking just by going cold turkey. Good for you. You fall into a very very small minority i.e. 95% of people who try to stop smoking by going cold turkey fail and revert to smoking . You did it good for you. Salute. But 95% of smokers are not as strong as you.
3. Nobody is interested in tempting youngsters to start smoking.
4. All the anti e-cig reports are funded by the following guys. All of whom want to keep you stuck to regular tabacco.
a. Big Tabacco companies
b. Pharma Companies Big Pharma and Medical Health care So they can keep you on cigarettes and then sell you medication that wont cure your cancer.
5. Show me one single study which says e-cig is more dangerous than the real deal. And I will consider giving them up. I can get my nicotine fix with gum. Its cheaper and way stronger.

Please do not fall for the Bullshit that e-cig are bad. Everything is bad. Baccon is bad. Eggs are bad. Milk is bad. Amull butter is bad. The polution on our roads are bad.
Where does it begin and where does it end.

Simple fact. If every smoker switched to e-cig there would be 100,000 less deaths per year in India alone.

Simple fact. I think it works for me. And the dangers are far to low to be bothered about. Would it be better if I didn't smoke anything yes.
Can I live with my mind feeling like Jello for 6 months while it tries to re-set off nicotine. No.
Do I enjoy the effects of Nicotine yes.
Is it bad for me ?. Yes just as bad as coffee, bacon, milk and oily food. Ill deal with it. In the end its my choice. And I dont think anybody has the right to tell me otherwise.
If there is any danger in this e-cig game its not the PG/VG base or the Nicotine. Its the flavors. We dont know enough about.
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Re: E-Cig in the Media.

Post by SunMysore »

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Re: E-Cig in the Media.

Post by mohsihummer »

This isnt about e-cig in media, but on nicotine in general
http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/r ... chap-5.pdf
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