Ummm all i can say is its a special place for special people . Not for all junta. Most people find our topics a lil over their head and thats why they stay away from here. Thats that for quantity.
The posts in almost all the forums here are captain cook's private stash of ol' English in other words they are literally awesomeness itself give em a shot
the new generation expects every problem to have a downloadable solution and everything has to perform out of the box, so even if they can't ride well the bike they buy had better do that for them . Thats why more and more automatic motorbikes are being launched all over the world of late.
@Thunder: you sound like a provocateur from one of the other so-called automotive sites out there. Sheer numbers don't tell the full story. Quality beats quantity every time. Live and learn.
This Forum is my child and baby. It was started in 1999 with 5 members and it has attracted a very select and elite kind of people. The last time I checked we had crossed the 40,000 mark. With members from around the world. We have just as many foreign members as we have Indian.
The activity on the forum is normally a reflection of my mood and state of mind.
Off late this has not been goof for a number of reasons. Not the least of all being that my dad is not keeping good health and we are all worried about him. Its hard to be upbeat when your running around hospitals with an ailing parent. Dealing with tissue samples, Biopsy reports and seeing a loved one suffer.
But this too will pass.
And I know my friends and well wishers have my back till it passes.
I dont look at RDD as a place for idiots and clueless people to hang out. But rather as a place where the Cream and the best hang out.
Many of the guys who went to Kindergarden at RDD are the so called forum admins and big shots on your other forums.
Do some digging read a few old posts. You will run into them.
Is RDD the lowest member online community. Id like to answer that with a simple YES. And we like it that way. Saves bandwidth. And having to deal with idiots.