Installed the 4-speed head reworked by Ron on my bike. She's on a stock 5-speed barrel with Dreams CDI v3 and Chinoy Filter. Now she runs quick, stays in the powerband while I'm shifting to higher gears unlike earlier. Still coming to terms with the power delivery of a 5-speed barrel since I'm used to driving a 4-speed bike all my life which had much more torque at the low end. Anyway, I'm liking the way she builds up gradually, revving out more than before and staying up there
However, I noticed that now I'm getting a kind of grinding/slap noise from the engine when throttle is opened. I'm not too sure if its related or not, but I checked that the head doesn't touch the top of the piston crown and the piston itself was not protruding out of the barrel before mounting the head. I'm just concerned if I've missed out on anything...I need help on this one.