This is ramasamy. I own a rx135. I came across this website while searching the web for some help about modifications or performance boosters... that can be fitted in my bike. apart from rx, i like RE350. and i like to go for long distance riding. wat else???? thats all for now
Welcome to RDD dude, u like a Royal Enfield 350 or was it a typo as in RD350???
First of all sorry for the veryyyyy late reply. had been busy with some work.
actually its RE350 only. n reg RD350, r u kidding? its my dream bike. no need to tell this explicitly. coz its a default machine of choice for every biker buddy, right?
hey guys still not started working on my project.No god mechanics down in this part of the world.Any of u guys know some good mechanics who can help me out at rdd